Saturday, September 1, 2012

When the Big C Doesn't Stand for Cosmo

We caught it early.

This week, we learned Cosmo has cancer. But if it's possible to have good news, we also learned, after a battery of tests, that this is the best possible sort of cancer.

It's operable.

This Tuesday, September 4, Cosmo is scheduled for surgery. He'll undergo a surgical lung lobectomy. A large mass -- determined to be a primary lung tumor -- will be removed as well as one of his lung lobes on his right side. Cosmo's vet feels he has a great chance at a full recovery.

We were proactive.

Cosmo had a slight cough that quickly turned into wheezing. I promptly took him to the vet where his primary vet listened to his chest and was also able to observe the wheezing (I caught it on video).  Concerned first with a possible heart condition, Cosmo's vet didn't hear anything unusual in his heart, but with increasingly intense wheezing,  she ordered an x-ray.

The x-ray showed a large mass in the right cranial lung lobe, between his right lung and ribs. She said, "I'm referring you to a specialist." I didn't understand. Cosmo is super healthy, an athlete. And while he's approaching his 10th birthday on September 10, he's often mistaken as a much younger dog... "bright and happy" as his new specialist soon assessed.

Why do dogs get lung cancer? Who knows?

We did online research. We asked our vet. Just like with people, lung cancer can be caused by secondhand smoke and sometimes it's just the luck of genetics. I don't smoke and don't allow it in my household. I don't like being near smoke and try to avoid it at all costs. Still, lung cancer happens.

We saw the specialist.

The specialist performed a fine needle aspirate to determine if the mass was a solitary lung tumor or a metastatic lesion, a tumor that spread from cancer somewhere else in his body. The results determined the mass as a pulmonary carcinoma, then a few more tests and an ultrasound were performed to help determine if the cancer was in any other parts of his body. No other cancer or tumors were detected and the specialist assessed Cosmo's tumor as primary, or a solitary lung tumor, making him a good candidate for surgery.

Tuesday, Cosmo goes in for surgery followed by two weeks of crate rest. More tests will be done on the tumor and surrounding cells to help determine any post surgery treatment. We're hoping we caught it early and than nothing extraordinary will be needed to be done post surgery.

Please keep Cosmo in your thoughts and send pawsitive healing energy his way. He'll reward you with big Havanese kisses next time he sees you!


  1. Oh my CAT! YEs, we'll keep you in our thoughts - and be purring for you like mad! Please let us know how he is doing!!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Cosmo. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. xo

    1. Thank you! All the positive thoughts are sure to help.
      DIane and Cosmo

  3. Oh Cosmo, sending lots of love and good energy your way! Speedy recovery my friend!

    1. Thanks pal! We hope to see you soon. I still have lots of fun tricks to learn!
      Your pal,

  4. Hi Cosmo! I hope the surgery goes really good and we will be thinking of you! Sending schnugs for a speedy recovery!

    1. Thanks pal! I'm hoping for a speedy recovery... there's lots of treats to be chewed still!
      Your pal,

  5. Bluddy hell, so sorry to hear this mate. I'll be purrayin fur ya wif @Isagold. Fank Cod u got a gr8 Mom & she's gettin u the best care possibull.
    Good luck Cosmo,
    WeK xox

    1. I do have a great mom who noticed right away that my cough sounded different. Good thing cos I still have lots to do like chasing squirrels and stuff! Thanks for your good thoughts.
      Your pal,

  6. Aw geez Diane, I'm so sorry you and Cosmo are dealing with this. A testament to you that you got him in right away and followed up so he can get the treatment he needs. Huge hugs to you both.

    1. Thanks Jessica. That's what our vet said too... that being proactive is key. Thanks for the good thoughts and support!

  7. Hi Cosmo, Will be keeping you in our prayers for a successful surgery Tuesday and a COMPLETE recovery. I perscribe BaconBeer on demand and all personally come ITP to deliver it. Hugs to your mom. You'll be back to agility and fun trips very soon. Love you, bud. WestieHugs,

    @SnowyWestie and Mom

    1. OMD! You need a passport to come ITP!! Hope to see you soon pal. We still have some playing to do!
      Your pal,

  8. Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts to Cosmo and all his family!

    1. Thanks for all the good thoughts! It means a lot to us.
      Diane and Cosmo

  9. It's so hard to imagine your bouncy boy sick :0( We're so glad to hear it was caught early and even gladder that it can be treated. We'll be keeing him in our thoughts.

    1. I know! Cosmo's STILL bouncy, and rooting around for treats always! Thanks for your good thoughts.

  10. One of my dogs has been treated for lymphoma this summer. The beauty of being a dog is that they don't know what 'cancer' is. Hoping for the best for Cosmo and for your spirits Diane.

    1. Thanks Debbie, I had to go back and read up on Finn. Hope he's doing great. He sure looks happy. And you're right... Cookies are the only big C Cosmo cares about! Sending good, healing thoughts your way as well.

  11. We be thinking about you lots and lots my best pal! Big C doesn't stand a chance with Cosmo, that's fur are much too tuff for that crummy stuff!

    1. Thanks pal! I know I need to get better quick so we can run agilities together again!
      Your pal,

  12. Good news amongst bad is always good. Great chance at a full recovery sounds very hopeful.

    Catching things early can certainly make or break the prognosis. Nothing like being proactive and having things checked out.

    Best of luck with the surgery, Cosmo will be in our prayers. (((hugs)))

    1. Thanks for all the good thoughts! They all make a difference!
      Diane and Cosmo

  13. My sisters and I send sweet Cosmo our very best purrs and prayers and lots of hugs to you. I am soooooooo glad you caught it early!

    1. Thank you pal! The purrs and prayers mean a lot to us!
      Diane and Cosmo

  14. My thoughts and prayers are with you, you can kick this cancer, Cosmo! best of luck to you two. <3

    1. Thanks for the good, healing thoughts. We're staying positive!
      Diane and Cosmo

  15. Dear Cosmo and Diane,
    We're so sorry you're having to go through all this scary stuff. We'll keep you in our thoughts and in our hearts and send you lots of love and light to help you through!

    Cokie and Kristin

    1. Thanks pals! We're so lucky to have such great anipal friends. The support makes all the difference. Thanks for your good thoughts.
      Diane and Cosmo

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks pal! I'll be up zooming again in no time!
      Your pal,

  17. Cosmo... you're gonna be ok.. I love you.

    1. Awww, thanks Lou! You're one of my longest-time anipals! I'll get better quick so we can woof about our favorite treats and, um, pool toys. hee hee! (haven't lost my sense of humor either!)
      Your pal,

  18. Sending ALL of our pawsitive purrs and energy!!!!! (((((hugs))))

    1. Thanks pals! We can feel all the pawsitive vibes and know it will help!
      Diane and Cosmo

  19. Prayers and softpawhugs. Cosmo you will be in my thoughts.

    1. Thank you. The good thoughts mean a lot and will help!

  20. OMD! Poor Cosmo! Sending prayers, love, hugs, and healing energy to you Cosmo.

    1. Thank you Pepper, Pepper, Pepper, Pom! Don't worry, all the pawsitive energy will help.

  21. Diane, I am so sorry to read this about Cosmo, but I'm glad to hear that you caught it in the early stages and that there are options for him. I am sending all of our positive vibes your way and we will be thinking of you and Cosmo! Sending huge Newfy hugs too:)

    1. I suddenly had a visual of a huge Newfy drool along with that hug... hehe! Thank for the good vibes.

  22. We're so sorry about Cosmo, but we know he'll pull through with flying colors!

  23. Diane- I was shocked when I read about Cosmo's diagnosis. I'm glad you caught it in the early stages. We are sending Purr-sitive energy!! I hope to see both of you in October! Paw Hugs!

  24. Oh Diane. I m so sorry. I am shocked too. Cosmo always seems so young and vibrant.
    So very glad you caught it early and he can have surgery. I will be praying for both of you. Ugh! Damn cancer.

    1. No kidding! It was a shock for us too, Cosmo's still zooming around, so we're hoping the early diagnosis turns out to be a good thing.

  25. i be pwayin fur a full recovery Cosmo. Purrs n hugs frum me n human2

  26. Hey Cosmo my buddy,

    I was so sad and shocked to hear you're so sick!!

    I'm super happy your Mum has caught it early and they can operate - I will be thinking of you and wish you a really speed recovery and hope that you'll be back to getting into Mischief again with me in no time!! :)

    Big wags for you and your Mum (think she'll need some too)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Thanks pal! It's going to be hard to stay out of mischief I think! I'm hoping I don't have to stay in that crate thingy for too long!
      Your pal in mischief,

  27. Dear Brave Cosmo. We have all our paws & fingers crossed here at Casa Rubinoff for your successful recovery. #Pawprayers #Pawcircle of Healing Energy

    1. Thanks pals! The healing energy will help I am sure.
      Your pal,

  28. Our Mickey is a lymphoma survivor. He had his last treatment a month ago and he is doing great. Paw prayers for Cosmo. I know it's scary, but his prognosis sounds good :)

    1. Oh that's good to hear good news. We're glad to hear Mickey is doing great. Thanks so much for the good thoughts.
      Diane and Cosmo

  29. Cosmo, my friend, we just heard your news. I am so sorry to hear this. We have 12 paws and lots of fingers crossed for you here and I'm sending lots of healing doggy licks to help you get better quickly. Mum sends hugs for your mom and lots of good thoughts for you. If you need anything "medicinal" after your surgery, I think I have some pawpawty hooch left over that I can sneak your way if you need it. xxx

    1. Oh Fergus, that pawpawty hooch may come in handy! Thanks for all the good healing thoughts.
      Your pals,
      Diane and Cosmo

  30. Wishing da bery best for sweet Cosmo's surgery. Hope dey gits rid ub all da mean cancer! *Grrrrrr* Sending pawsitive vibes & healing energy your way pal!

    1. Thank you for the pawsitive vibes. They do help a lot and we'll put the bitey on cancer! grrr!

  31. Cosmo and Diane,

    We will be sending you lots of healing vibes for a complete recovery. We are happy that you did catch it early and we know Cosmo will come through this with the love of all of his friends.


    1. Thank you pal! We're hoping for a full recovery too.

  32. We have our paws crossed here for Cosmo!

    Sam and Pippen

  33. We love them so, and it hurts our hearts when something happens that we can't prevent. We are glad you are proactive and we know you have sound we will just be purring up storm that Cosmo bounces back from his surgery and has many years of romping and blogging and sharing the love ahead of him!

  34. Sending healing thoughts your way Cosmos. Hope the op goes well and u r soon on the road to recovery. Woofs from A-m, Purrs from Smudge the cat and love and gentle hugs from me.

    1. Thank you for all the healing thoughts. They're all a big help!

  35. I know that this is very late in coming, but my paws are crossed for you Cosmo for a speedy recovery and an excellent surgery! :-D Licks and Love to you too Diane! <3

    1. It's never to late for crossed paws! Cosmo's surgery went well today and now we still need positive thoughts for a speedy recovery and good biopsy result. Thanks for your good thoughts!

  36. Sending much love, warm thoughts and positive energy down to you and Cosmo!!! Thank goodness you're a very proactive mom!

  37. We send purrs and pawhugs for Cosmo's surgery and recovery.

    1. Thank you! We're hoping for more positive news from the biopsy results. All the purrs and pawhugs help a ton!
      Diane and Cosmo


  38. افضل شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض شركة تنظيف بيوت بالرياض
    سرعان ما تتعرض البيوت لانتشار الشوائب والأتربه والاتساخات الخطيرة ؛لذلك فكافه أجزاء البيوت تحتاج الى أعمال تنظيف دورية ومستمرة ؛فالبيوت من اثاث سواء مجالس أو غرف نوم أو سفر أو صالونات تحتاج الى أعمال تنظيف ؛كما تتمكن الشركة من القيام بأعمال تنظيف البيوت ومكافحة الحشرات وتنظيف الخزانات وكشف تسربات الماء وغيرها من الأجزاء الأخرى ؛لذلك من الأن لا داعى للقلق بشأن أعمال تنظيف البيوت ؛نحن شركة تنظيف بيوت بالرياض التى تعتمد على فريق عمل متخصص لديه خبرات واسعه فى القيام بأعمال تنظيف البيوت .

    تتراكم الأتربه والشوائب فى البيوت مسببة فى تعرض البيوت للعديد من الأمراض الخطيرة التى تؤثر سلبيا على الأفراد ؛فالبيوت تتعرض للنوافذ والشبابيك وغيرها من المنافذ التى سرعان ما تتعرض للعديد من الشوائب والعوالق الخطيرة ؛لذلك يتم الاعتماد على مجموعه من الألات والمعدات الحديثة وأجهزة البخار التى تساعد على التخلص من الشوائب والعوالق سريعا ؛فقط شركة تنظيف بالرياض تعتمد على أحدث وأفضل الأساليب... اقرأ المزيد

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف بيارات بالرياض

    افضل أما الخدمة التي سنتحدث عنها الآن هي من أهم الخدمات التي تتشرف شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض بتقديمها لعملائها ,وهي تنظيف مجالس سواء في المنازل أو الشقق أو الفلل او القصزر

    لأننا جميعاً نعرف أهمية اجتماعات العائلة في هذه المجالس التي تميز نا عن غيرنا من البلاد والدول ,فلابد أن تكون هذه المنازل على قدر عالي من النظافة والجمال والذي لابد وأن يتناسب مع أهمية المدعوين لهذه المجالس ,حتى يستمتع عملائنا باجتماعاتهم العائلية في جو نظيف وهادئ ومريح يليق بهم… اقرأ المزيد

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض

  39. افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض من الطبيعي أن تجد المنازل قد اتسخت أو مُلئت بالغبار و الأتربة مع مرور الوقت خاصة مع تغيرات الفصول .. مما يزيد نسبة الإصابة بالأمراض لذا فإن عملية التنظيف بالنسبة للمنزل بما في ذلك الجدران و السلالم و المفروشات.
    لاشك أن الأطفال يفضلون كثيرا اللعب في المسابح خاصة في الأوقات شديدة الحرارة في فصل الصيف.
    لكن ذلك يعقبه اتساخ في أرضية المسبح أو في مياهه وتزداد هذه المشكلة تعقيدا حينما يكون حجم المسبح كبيرا الأمر الذي يجعل المنزل أو الفيلا تبدوا بمظهر خارجي أقل جمالا ورونقا .
    تضمن الشركة تقديم خدمات التنظيف الشاملة للمسبح وبمعدات و أدوات صيانة على أعلى مستوى من الجودة والنقاوة
    إن جميع أشكال المسابح تفتقر إلى عزل وهذا لقيام مؤسسة عزل المسابح والحمامات بالرياض بحفظ المسابح وإطالة عمرها كما أنها تمنع التسربات التى قد تتم بأحجام هائلة أو يتم إهدارها , كما أنه مع القيام بعملية مؤسسة عزل المسابح والحمامات بالرياض يحاول أن المحافظة على المواد التى تستخدم لتنظيف وتعقيم المسابح والتى يتم وضعها لتنقية المسابح من مختلَف الجراثيم أو البكتيريا والتى قد كان سببا الضرر القوي للإنسان والذى يكون له إحتكاك مباشر مع المسابح وغيره .
    الأمر الذي يسبب له الأمراض التى تتغاير شدتها وخطورتها ولذا الداعِي يلزم الإهتمام بقيام بعملية شركة عزل مسابح بالرياض وجعلها وجوب قسوة , والحرص على القيام بها قبل إستعمال المسبح , وهذا لتجنب إنتشار الميكروبات والجراثيم و البكتيريا والتى قد كان سببا الأمراض والحساسية لأشخاص الشخص والمجتمع والعائلة خاصة الأطفال وكبار العمر .

    بما في ذلك من شفط وتنظيف و تعقيم و أيضا علاج حالات التسرب التي قد تحدث أحيانا بعد تصميم المسبح
    تعد عملية ضرورية و يجب أن تتم من حين إلى آخر و بصفة دورية.
    تختص شركتنا بكافة أعمال التنظيف المنزلية ,والتي قد تتطلب مجهودا بدنيا شاقا قد يعجز أفراد الأسرة عن إنجازه وبشكل احترافي بما في ذلك تنظيف الجدران و الرخام و المفروشات و المسابح و حتى الحديقة مع إزالة الروائح الكريهة و رش المبيدات الحشرية .… اقرأ المزيد

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض
