Friday, January 25, 2013

Puppy Tip: Keep Your Dog Occupied With a Kong Popsicle

Rocco enjoys his Kong loaded, frozen and ready to go!
One of the first things I bought after bringing Rocco home was a puppy-sized Kong. Actually, after I bought it, I found two more puppy Kongs in our well-organized toy cabinet the bottom of our over-stuffed toy basket. And as it turns out, having more than one Kong is incredibly useful when you're using the "stuff and freeze" technique.

We learned this quick tip in puppy class. Simply add hot water to your pup's dry kibble, and soak it until it turns to mush. After you stir it up, the consistency will be similar to canned dog food. Then stuff the mixture into a Kong and freeze it! We keep all three loaded, frozen and ready to go, providing Rocco with hours of Kong-licking pleasure.

Before learning the freeze technique, we stuffed dry kibble into the Kong. That also provided Rocco with some entertainment as he learned to maneuver the Kong to empty it in, oh, about 10 seconds. We like this loaded and frozen Kong not just because it lasts longer, but also because Rocco's still getting some nutritional value from the dog food stuffed inside. Just remember to account for the extra amounts of food as part of your pup's overall daily intake.

And when you leave the house, give your pup a loaded and frozen Kong to keep them occupied in their crate. They might not even notice you're gone!


  1. FaRADaY: We think Mommy should do something equally as thoughtful for us, but noooo-o-o-o-ooo....

    Maxwell: *wistful look* Rocco suuure does look like he loves that thing!

    1. Rocco does love it! I was surprised he things that frozen dog food is such a great treat!

  2. This is an awesome tip! I like that you are using their own everyday food. Thanks for the post. Definitely going to have to do this with Grace's Kong this weekend. She thank you in advance. :)

    1. That's exactly what I thought! This way I'm not loading him up with a bunch of extra treats or empty calories!

  3. Nice tip...I can certainly use it! Thanks

  4. I never have gotten the knack of stuffing a kong...I tried peanut butter and made such a mess (me, not Gizmo ) that I gave the Kong to a friend...wish i'd known about freezing - i might have been more successful

    1. Yeah, me too! I've heard about using peanut butter, but it makes a huge mess on a long-haired dog. And, I wouldn't want to give him too much peanut butter. I was really surprised how much Rocco loves this frozen treat!

  5. Always did this when mine was a pup but with 'other' treat.(like peanut butter way down inside, not filled) He still gets something when I leave the house usually in his Kong Wobbler. He is 10 now and never gave up the habit.

  6. That's a good way to keep kids busy
    Benny & Lily

  7. This is such a great idea! We are fans of the Kong as well but never thought about freezing it!

  8. Great idea to use "kibble mush" to stuff the kongs... one of our favorites is to add a little peanut butter in as an extra treat.

  9. I like peanut butter frozen in my Kong!

  10. Thanks for the great tip - I had not heard of that one before. Adorable face btw!

  11. oh wow what a brilliant idea! Need to do this!

  12. What a fantastic idea!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  13. What a great idea!!! I think I am going to do that today. Maya & Pierson thank you. :)
