Thursday, April 18, 2013

FitDog Friday: Quick and Easy Disc Games

Today we're participating in FitDog Friday, and we couldn't be more thrilled to announce we're teaming up with SlimDoggy and Peggy's Pet Place as official co-hosts of this new, weekly Blog Hop!

If you're learning about FitDog Friday for the first time, we hope you'll join our effort to spread the word about the benefits of keeping your pet fit and healthy.  Share some tips or simply post a photo of your pup living a healthy, active lifestyle. It's up to you how you want to participate, but we hope you'll join our Hop each Friday and help inspire others to stay fit and healthy with their pups!

You can read more about participating in FitDog Friday here.
Everything sticks to Rocco during a backyard romp! Joys of a fluffy dog!
We love this topic because we're all about staying fit and healthy, and we have a lot of fun along the way. With plenty of exercise for the mind and body, and good nutrition, it's certainly a great step toward giving your pup the best life possible.

With a young pup in the house, I find myself looking for lots of ways to keep Rocco busy and out of trouble.  It doesn't have to be a big time commitment, and especially for young ones, I find attention spans can be short.

Sometimes the best game is a quick round of outdoor disc toss. When Rocco starts getting a little nutty inside, we head outside for 5-10 minutes of throwing and retrieving the disc with some fun tugging thrown in! We like the soft Floppy Disc style for small dogs.

Since Rocco's still a young 7-month-old pup, I'm careful to keep the disc low when I throw it.
No fancy leaping allowed until Rocco gets older! 
If it's dark out or raining, we'll even play disc toss, retrieve and tug indoors! Our indoor choice for tug and play is the Angry Birds Tuff Stuff Flyer.

Rocco zips around a corner with his flyer in tow!

Grab the badge from our sidebar, join the Blog Hop below and show us how your pup stays fit and healthy!

Now let's see what everyone else is up to at the FitDog Friday Blog Hop!


  1. Woof! Woof! For a young pup, great job. Yes its fun to play indoors too. Happy FitDog Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Thanks Sugar! Rocco needs lots of exercise or he crawls all over my keyboard until I pay attention! I'm heading over to read your FitDog Friday now!
      Your pals,
      Diane and Rocco

  2. Rocco, welcome to the Blog Hop - we're glad to have you as a co-host! SlimDoggy is really looking forward to learning all about agility and seeing your expertise first hand! Can't wait.

    1. We're honored to be a part of the Blog Hop! Rocco's got a lot to learn, but we've gotten off to a good start. He's in pre-agility class now... kind of like pre-kindergarten for young agility dogs!
      Diane and Rocco

  3. Thanks for co-hosting, Diane & Rocco. Keeping dogs fit indoors and out is so important and fun! We are looking forward to more fitness and agility tips from you.

    1. Thanks Bethany! Loved your FitDog post and thanks for stopping by!
      Diane and Rocco

  4. That Rocco is one cute pup! I love all his different colors and fluffiness! Curious why you said no fancy leaping until he's older? Is he still at the puppy unstableness time?

    1. Vets will say that you should wait until your pups growth plates are closed before doing a lot of jumping, weaving and full-height agility obstacles. Growth plates are located near the ends of bones in the limbs and they are softer and more prone to injury. So folks should wait until they close, at about a year or a little later, before participating in any intense activities.

      Rocco's in pre-agility classes now when he's learning focus, attention, recall and other good behaviors that will help with agility. He can do tunnels since they don't involve any kind of twisting or torquing of his body and he loves them!

      Thanks for stopping by the Hop!
      Your pals,
      Diane and Rocco

  5. So thrilled to have you joining us as co-host! Rocco sure is totally adorable when he runs.I'm sure he enjoys the games and fun with you!

    1. We have a great time together and I hope for LOTS of happy years ahead. I'm honored to join you for such a worthy topic!
      Diane and Rocco

  6. Yay for staying fit! Fitness can be so much fun and there are so many ways for us dogs to stay fit!

  7. Does Angry Birds make something for everyone now? LOVE the photos of Rocco running!

    1. hee hee! We have TONS of Angry Birds toys and Rocco loves them! Can't wait for the pollen end here... EVERYTHING sticks to Rocco!
      Your pals,
      Diane and Rocco

  8. So important to keep our pups fit, and so important to work out that puppy energy! A tired puppy is a good puppy!

    Thanks for stopping by Pooch Smooches!

    1. You can say that again! I have to work hard to tire out Rocco! haha!

  9. I've seen so many great pictures of Rocco running and playing and generally having a great time...No doubt he's in great shape...

    1. He is in great shape. I hope to keep it that way!
      Diane and Rocco

  10. I'm loving seeing all of the different posts and ways people are staying active with their dogs. It is such a nice change from dogs being lazy and overweight, and not getting all these awesome chances to have fun with their people.

    1. I know! I'm loving all the action too! Thanks for stopping by!
      Diane and Rocco

  11. That looks like a fun game...we do love fetch and tug!!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Rocco seems to never tire of playing!

  12. I found your blog through my friend, Pixel's blog. You look like a very fun dog; If your mom gets you a "puppy cut" hairdo you will not have so much stick to your fur and you will be able to see where you are going. BOL. Hope we can be friends, Love M.J.

    1. Nice to meet you pal! You're adorable and so smart too! Glad you found us and thanks for stopping by!
      Your new pals,
      Diane and Rocco

  13. Fun! Maya & Pierson love the Kong flyer, although neither of them have any luck catching it in the air.

  14. Rocco looks like he is having a blast! :)

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