Friday, July 18, 2014

DIY Dog Toys for Backyard Fun and Games!

We can't believe it's already the final week of K9 Kamp.  Next week we'll all join around the Kampfire and share the backyard fun and fitness games we've been playing the last few weeks.

We can't wait to see what you've been up too! In the meantime, here are a few games we dreamed up this week.

We've got two DIY dog toy games to share with you, perfect for some backyard fun!

First, we took the toy we made from a carriage whip we bought at Tractor Supply and a flat, fuzzy toy.

I simply tied the end of the whip to the toy, and voila! We had a new toy for loads of chasing fun!

Here's a close-up of the toy we assembled.

And what it looks like in almost its entirety.

The whip is pretty long -- about eight feet in all --  so it provides plenty of length to throw the toy out for your pup to chase. We originally made this toy to help create toy drive for our agility training.

Here's a look at the toy and Rocco in action!

Next, we took a retractable leash and attached a dog toy to it with a carabiner. We used a dog toy that includes a treat pouch, making it extra irresistible for Rocco!

I placed Rocco's kibble inside the treat pouch, but you can use any type of treat.  This toy took a little longer for me to get the hang of, but once I did, Rocco went crazy for it! I think it might have had something to do with the treat pouch.

Take a look!

Remember, next week is the week to link up your own backyard fun and fitness games as part of our FitDog Friday and K9 Kamp Blog Hop.

We also have a winner to announce for the colossal K9 Kamp Giveaway Prize Pack.  Huge congrats to Janet Keefe from Wag 'N Woof Pets for winning the giveaway.  Thanks to all for playing and special thanks to all our prize pack contributors: Petco, PetSafe, DogTread, For Love of a Dog, Jones Natural Chews and Smart Cookee.  

The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and The Writer's Dog (formerly known as Peggy's Pet Place) to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.


  1. What an great way to re-purpose existing dog gear and make some interactive toys. Looks like lots of fun!

  2. Rocco thinks these toys are the BEST! I think it's the best use of a retractable leash ever! Happy FitDog Friday!
    Diane and Rocco

  3. What great toys - and so easy to make! I bet Rocco had tons of fun.

    1. Rocco knows how to have a good time! I have to hide these toys from him when we're not playing. He loves them that much!

  4. We missed K9 Kamp Rocco, your toys looked like lots of fun. Hope we get to meetup next month! Love Dolly

    1. I sure hope so too! Wish I lived closer so I could take you on walks now, but it looks like you and your mom are in good hands!
      Diane and Rocco

  5. Getting crafty and fit ;) LOL Happy Fit Dog Friday.

    1. hehe! This is the kind of crafty I can do! Happy FitDog Friday!

  6. If you have a dog that loves toys, that would work great, but we aren't that into toys. We prefer to chase real critters.

    1. Exactly!!!! That's why you simulate a critter by having him pop out of nowhere and "run away" from you. Or maybe Rocco's more easily fooled than you guys… heehee!

  7. That sure looks fun! Like chasing squirrels, but with actual success!

  8. What cool toys! I wonder if my two would enjoy something like that.

  9. What fun, and how creative coming up with those toys! Rocco looked like he didn't want to stop in that first video.
    Thanks again, we are so excited about winning, and can't wait to get some new things to try out!!!

    1. Congrats again! You won some terrific goodies!

    2. I've been looking into food tug toys because I want to teach Mr. N to tug at some point. Do you like yours?

    3. Yes, we like this one a lot. It's got a little treat pocket by the eyes that closes with velcro. Rocco will tug on either end. The hidden food helps!

  10. So much fun! I heard about the whip, but keep forgetting to make one! (Just like I keep forgetting to make a flirt pole). I love the idea of using the retractable leash, because I have one sitting gathering dust because I would never use it as an actual leash. A toy? Fantastic idea :)

    1. Exactly! I had a retractable leash stuffed away too, and finally I found a good use for it!

  11. That looks like a lot of fun. We do something similar to the toy on the whip with bird wings when the Chessies are pups to see how birdie they are. If they chase the usually means they are birdie. :)

    Congrats to the winner.

    1. Oh that's cool! Happy FitDog Friday!
      Diane and Rocco

  12. what great toy/exercise ideas. MK the cat would love those! Thanks for sharing the great pictures and videos.

  13. Those are super cool toys! I'm sure they are very entertaining for backyard fun. I'm so happy that Jan won the prize pack!

  14. Ooh fun. Very creative. Makes me wish I didn't throw away Maya and Pierson's retractable leads.

  15. What a great idea! :) I'm sad I wasn't able to take part in camp this time, my schedule got extremely crazy. :(

  16. These toys are great. Unfortunately my dog would eat both - after he ripped them to shreds of course. Nothing but a Kong seems to survive his jaws :) Keep FitDogging

  17. That's a great idea for a toy! Will have to try to make one-Bella, Terra, & Kronos would probably go crazy for that! (We've already played with the whip by without a toy attached and they enjoy chasing the end of that) Congrats to the winner of the giveaway too! :)

  18. It seems I'm on the right track, I hope I can do well. The result was something I did and was doing to implement it.
