Friday, October 9, 2015

Fall Fitness Challenge #2: #FallFitDog Circuit Training for Dogs

We hope you all enjoyed the first week of the FitDog Friday Fall Fitness Challenge with ABOUND! It's all about getting out and getting active with your pup, and, along with our co-hosts My GBGV Life and SlimDoggy, we've got two more challenges this month to help motivate you!

Last week, we brought you the No Grain, No Gain Challenge, asking what you do to help keep the pounds off for you and your dog. If you missed that post, you can see it here -- where you can also enter our terrific #FallFitDog giveaway for an awesome ABOUND prize pack!

We look forward to seeing what you all are doing for each challenge. Be sure to link up your posts below or leave a comment on our blogs! 

And now, what you've been waiting for... Challenge #2!

The Superfood, Super Circuit Challenge!

Show us how you create a super circuit in your own backyard... or in your house or at your park! If you think outside the box, you won't need any fancy equipment or even a lot of space. We'll show you how we superfy our own circuit below!

Here's one hint at how we think outside -- and inside -- the box!

We set up a circuit outside when the weather is nice, but this week it rained A LOT, so we had to get creative.

With all the rain we had, Rocco was going CRAZY! So we set up a circuit indoors with:

  • A box
  • A step stool from our kitchen 
  • A K9FITbone
  • A set of rings or hoops
  • We also used the sofa (for tricks!) and the path around the house where we like to run and play chase!
You don't need a lot of fancy equipment, even household items can become circuit items.

Take a look!

Rocco combined tricks with agility, balance and strength training. In between each activity we played a game of chase through the house 

#FallFitDog Super Circuit Tips

  • Keep each activity short to keep your pup from getting bored
  • Vary the activities -- think strength, balance, conditioning and agility -- to work the whole body and keep things interesting
  • Use household items -- we use a box to shape all sorts of fun behaviors, from hiding inside the box to balancing on top of it. You can also use two short laundry baskets with a broom handle across the top to make a jump!
  • Include games to stimulate the mind as well as body. Train by shaping -- for example, reward for various behaviors on and in the box -- to get your dog thinking and working things out for himself. It's a great way to learn new tricks or behaviors.
  • Keep it positive and motivate your pup with tasty rewards or fun toys.
  • Add a lap around the house between each activity to add some cardio and fun! 

Superfood + Super Circuit does not = Super-Sized (thankfully!)

ABOUND's line of dog food includes the Superfood Blend Salmon, Egg and Pumpkin Recipe. We think that's cool because ingredients like salmon, egg and pumpkin are nutrient-dense superfoods. ABOUND grain free treats also come in Superfood Blends like their Grain Free Sweet Potato Slices and Grain Free Sweet Potato Sticks with Blueberries. Yum!

Try some of these to reward your pups after a job well done! (We use both treats and kibble for treats and that keeps Rocco from getting super-sized! TIP: if you treat or train a lot, set aside the kibble from one of their meals just for training!

Enter to win $200+ in goodies for you and your pup!

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win the Fall Fitness Challenge ABOUND prize pack, filled with more than $200 worth of goodies for you and your dog!  Enter via the giveaway widget on our Fall Fitness Challenge announcement and giveaway post! Good luck!

And, don't forget to let us know how you're doing with these challenges by linking up to the FitDog Friday Blog Hop or leaving a comment below! Have questions about how to participate?  Find all the details on our announcement post.

We are partnering with ABOUND to bring you the FitDog Friday Fall Fitness Challenge and giveaway. Prizes will be provided and shipped by ABOUND. To Dog With Love only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. ABOUND is not responsible for the content of this article. 

The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and My GBGV Life to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the hop.


  1. Rocco is so cute with his little shopping cart. I'm sure you guys have lots of different circuits with all your agility practice.

    1. Training the shopping cart is an activity all it's own! Rocco's a little short for it so he's had to build up his rear end strength to control it!

  2. Circuit training sounds like a lot of fun! Now you're inspired us to getting working on our own!

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Last week when it rained and rained and rained some more and my Humans were off presumably building an ark, I used the sitters front porch and really got some racing in...the other dogs sort of thought I was crazy.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Rocco, you are such a star, even in your living room!

    1. hehe! Rocco definitely is the star of our living room!

  5. Mr. N tried to play the floor is made of lava today and fell off the coffee table... He is all right!

  6. I love the idea of creating a circuit in the house. With four dogs, it's difficult, but not impossible. One thing our dogs love doing is hunting for treats. I'll have to set up a circuit this weekend.

    1. Four dogs definitely makes it a bit more challenging. Hide n seek (hunting for treats) sounds like a great game for them! Or, maybe at each station they each have to do something all together... even something simple like sits, downs, stays, etc. Or... crate games with all of them where they have to run to their crates from across the room... if you use crates. Whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be fun!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! Hope you try some of these things and have some fun!

  8. The shopping cart is so cute!! And that's a nice inside circuit. Hm...we'll have to see what we come up with this week for our circuit :)

  9. I love your course in the house, great tips!

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