Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fluffy +Fido's #FreebieFriday Dog Stars!

Rocco shows Sophie the ropes on his backyard fitness course!
Rocco's practicing being a star because this week he's participating in Purina's program that supports the Leader Dogs for the Blind, a global organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

Here's how you can help simply by sharing a cute photo on social media and saying why your dog is a star! Post your photo with hashtag #BHDogShow and tag @Purina, and for every post, Purina will donate $1 (up to $25,000) to the Leader Dogs for the Blind organization! 

Then, catch the re-air of the Beverly Hills Dog Show Presented by Purina on Sunday, April 23, on NBC at 1/12 p.m. ET/CT! We're partnering with Purina on this program on social media too.

And speaking of stars, last weekend we had lots of fun at an agility trial where Rocco earned his third SuperQ in USDAA Snooker! What the heck does that mean? It means Rocco was super fast and that we had a blast!

The host club, Sirius Dog Agility, is also where we train. They had this cute backdrop set up for photos!
Now, it's time again for  Fido + Fluffy's  Freebie Friday, the weekly blog hop for pet-related giveaways!

Check out the goodies in the Fido's Freebie Friday giveaways listed below. You can enter them all or add your own! We make it easy by linking them up all in one place.

If you're a blogger with a pet-related giveaway, be sure to link up! Please link directly to your giveaway, not to your home page. We post a new blog hop every Thursday afternoon at 4 pm ET. 

We hope you enjoy the Fido + Fluffy's Freebie Friday blog hop that we co-host with DogTipper and CatTipper!
Good luck!

Individual rules of entry and guidelines for winning may apply to each listing. DogTipper, CatTipper and To Dog With Love take no responsibility for the legality of the rules governing the listings on other sites and giveaways that are posted here. We simply provide this forum as a gathering place for pet products to be offered. Fulfillment of each giveaway is done by the blog conducting the giveaway, not by the hosts of this giveaway hop; please contact the giveaway host with any questions regarding a giveaway or giveaway prize.


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