Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Costume Giveaway from PetSmart!

Cosmo's modeling the Top Paw Bee costume in a large
from PetSmart. If your dog is long-backed, fluffy
and/or deep-chested like Cosmo is, you might
consider going up a size like we did.
Cosmo says, "let's put the Weeee! in Halloweeeen!"

According to a National Retail Federation survey, Halloween celebrations are BOOming this year and pet parents are planning to spend $310 million on pet costumes. Good news for To Dog With Love readers -- one lucky winner in today's costume giveaway from PetSmart will be getting their Halloween costume for free!

Read down for all the details on our costume giveaway, but first, a couple of other fun Halloween activities from PetSmart.

Is your pet Monster Cute?

Submit a picture of your pet in costume to PetSmart's "Monster Cute Photo Contest" powered by Greenies on PetSmart's Facebook page. Be sure to enter by October 24 for a chance to appear in a 2012 PetSmart TV commercial and other pawsome prizes!

Howl-O-Ween Pawty at PetSmart

Visit your local PetSmart across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico on Saturday, October 22 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., for PetSmart's annual Howl-O-Ween Costume contest. Pets can parade around in their devilishly cute digs (or buzz around in Cosmo's case) and prizes will be awarded in each store. The top three winners will receive vouchers for a product from Greenies, Toy Shoppe or Grreat Choice dog and cat toys.


And now, let's get to the giveaway before the ghosts and goblins get to it first!

Enter our Halloween Costume Giveaway from PetSmart

Here's all you need to do to enter. Leave a comment on this blog post saying what you'd like to dress your pet as this Halloween. For inspiration, check out PetSmart's Halloween Costumes for Dogs and Cats! Comments must be posted by 11:59 p.m. ET, Sunday, October 16. Contest is open to entries from U.S. and Canada and prize is being provided by PetSmart. 

For extra entries: (For each extra entry leave a separate comment on this blog post)
Please be sure you leave a way to contact you if your comment doesn't link to something with your contact information!

Gooooulish Luck! 

Cosmo says, "Do bee a do bee!"


  1. I would love to dress up my little guy, Tyson, as dracula (because of his sharp little puppy teeth!).

  2. I love halloween time! Jaz has so many costumes, I don't even know how to pick! LOL

  3. We finally got a local PetSmart and I'm heading there for dog food today. Guess I'll have to check out the costumes while I'm there.

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  5. Jack has been telling me he wants to be a chihuahua for awhile, he says he's tired of weighting 90 lbs. I think he'd look cute as a frog though. Maybe he can blend in with my pet frogs Sheba, Lilly, and Thorn.

  6. I like To Dog With Love on Facebook.

  7. Hey, Cosmo!

    My dad was a Romper Room Do Bee, so your picture brought back fun memories to him!

    You look really cute as a bee. Always sooo handsome!


  8. I saw these cute unicorn and cow costumes I would just love to dress my dogs up in : )


  9. Oh dear dawg!! That is what Lily is going to BEEEEE
    Benny & Lily

  10. I want my dog to be a pumkin

  11. I like to dog with love on facebook: katie mitchell

  12. Buddy wants to be a pirate. He's 11 weeks old, so maybe just the bandana this year, next year the hat and earring.

  13. i have a dog named Bob...i'm hoping to dress him up as "Bob the Builder"!

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