Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Write a Post, Help a Dog 2012! Pedigree will donate a bag of food for every post written! #BlogPaws #Dogsrule

As we head to this year's BlogPaws pet blogger conference in Salt Lake City, Cosmo and I once again have the honor of participating in the Pedigree Write a Post, Help a Dog campaign! Now in it's third year, the program has generated 650 blog posts and 6.5 TONS of food to help feed shelter dogs! 

Here's how you can help too!

Simply write a blog post from now until midnight on Saturday, June 30 and mention Pedigree's commitment to adoption and finding shelter dogs loving homes. For each post, Pedigree will donate a 17-pound bag of Pedigree Dry Dog Food to a shelter in need. 

You can use any of the wording or images you find in this blog post. Or perhaps get some inspiration from the Pedigree Adoption website. It's up to you! Just write a post and a shelter dog wins.

Once you write your post, add it to our Blog Hop below, so we can see the collective effort for helping  feed more shelter dogs! And remember, any type of blog can post to help a shelter dog, so please spread the word! Update: Once you post, enter our Rafflecopter giveaway for some fab Dogs Rule swag! 

At BlogPaws, along with eight other Pedigree-sponsored bloggers, we'll be handing out postcards like the yellow images you see above. We hope that everyone will write a post and spread the word so we can reach our goal of 450 posts for a total donation of 7,650 pounds of food!

The sooner you post, the more people will see it! So go ahead and Write a Post and Help a Dog! You know you want to!
Cosmo wants you to write a post too! This photo was taken after he worked his paws off at BlogPaws West in Denver 2010, the first year of the Pedigree Write a Post, Help a Dog campaign.  Cosmo reminds you that you can use any of the info in this post, including his photo if you want to! 

And here's a badge image you can use too! Feel free to use it in your post or on your sidebar! We linked the badge on our sidebar to http://www.pedigreefoundation.org/.

And now, to officially introduce the Pedigree-sponsored bloggers!

Disclosure: We are sponsored by Pedigree at BlogPaws; we are not compensated any other way for our posts.


  1. Great post, I am in such EXCELLENT company! So pleased and grateful to be a part of making this happen ... go TEAM PEDIGREE!!!

    :) Laurie

  2. Replies
    1. The program calls for a blog post to be written, but we appreciate your support of shelter dogs no matter where you post it!
      Your pals,
      Diane and Cosmo

  3. Pedigree Rules!I love Pedigree's commitment to adoption and finding shelter dogs loving homes.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. PepiSmartDog: Hi, thank you to Pedigree for their generosity helping animal shelters and rescue groups
    In 3 days mum and I are off on another research trip, that involves long term animal rescue: fighting the Korean Dog Meat Trade. Many are stolen pets, still wearing collars and bells. We are front line fighters for dogs and cats in Vietnam, China and Korea. On August 7th I'm holding a 2 hour Twitter Awareness Event to raise public awareness for these poor dogs and cats; I hope you will all stop by. It is not to raise money, just awareness. *high paw* :=o)

    1. Wow! You and your mum are doing amazing things. Hope to stop by on August 7!
      Your pals,
      Diane and Cosmo

    2. I just wanted to thank you for this invaluable information. It gave me the confidence I needed to know that starting a blog was actually feasible and the information to actually go through with it! I don’t know what I would have done without you ( : Happy birthday husband What does it mean when you dream about someone Happy birthday sister images good morning quotes quotes for her Love songs for him Best battery saver app Best podcast app for android Fastest browser Songs about missing someone

  6. Thank you Pedigree for helping these animals!

  7. Even though I am a cat blogger, I LOVE THIS CAMPAIGN and will be posting on Saturday morning!! I think it is so great that Pedigree is sponsoring this wonderful effort to feed shelter dogs! I also shared your post on facebook to generate more interest!!

  8. I posted I'm trying to spread the word I wish I would have found this sooner :( Sorry I couldn't be more help I'm the, "The post is for you Rocky" link hope it gets more people involved :)

  9. great work Pedigree you are doing world of good helping those dogs

  10. I love Pedegree.. that is the one that I fed to my dogs and cats...

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