Monday, November 19, 2012

Do Your Holiday Shopping at Online Auction to Support Havanese Rescue

Item #189, Tote, Toys and Treats!
The 12th annual online auction to benefit Havanese Rescue Inc., opened this weekend, and it's chock full of fabulous items for pet lovers of any breed. There's everything from jewelry to dog toys, and of course, those hard-to-find Havanese items!

The best part about it is that every single dollar raised goes to Havanese Rescue (HRI), dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and helping rescued Havanese find their forever homes.

The auction closes on Saturday, November 24 so don't delay! And there are plenty of items for humans and pups of all kinds too. Just check these out:

  • Luxurious cashmere socks (item #29)
  • Pet first aid kit (item #44)
  • A P.L.A.Y. pet bed (item #47)
  • Ladies paw print pajamas (0oo-la-la! item #81)
  • Item #204 Don't furget the kitties with
    this snuggly Kitty Quilt!
  • Faux suede studded cowboy dog vest (Giddyup! item #246)

And much, much more!

So much to choose from, what are you waiting for! Get a head start on your holiday shopping and start bidding. And remember, every dollar you spend helps the rescued Havanese.

Have some fun and check it out!


  1. oh we'll TOTALLY go take a look - thanks for telling us about it! *drags Mommy over with plastic card thingy*

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