Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jane Lynch, ASPCA and Febreze Join to Tackle Noseblindness

Does your house smell?

Have you  ever walked into someone else's house and you could smell the distinct odor of... oh... wet dog, or maybe something worse and indescribable?

Or, what really gets me... have you ever gotten into a friend's car and it smell's so bad you want to gag?!

The thing is, your friends (or you!) may not even be aware they suffer from...


It's a condition (and an epidemic, I hear) that occurs naturally over time when a person becomes accustomed to surrounding smells, whether it's a dog bed or kitty litter box, and can no longer detect those odors -- but their guests can.

Noseblindness is no laughing matter.  According to a global 2014 survey from Atomik Research, nearly half of those surveyed (48 percent) said that they could make out someone's home simply by the odor alone -- particularly if they have pets. (Horrors!)

In fact, pet smells were ranked as the second most offensive smell within a home (ranking just below garbage and just above smoke). Yikes! We HATE smoke!  

That's certainly nothing to laugh at... yet Febreze, makers of products that help folks eliminate odors in their homes and cars, teamed up with one of the funniest ladies around to help tackle this unsavory condition.

We recently got the chance to chat with comedic actor Jane Lynch about noseblindness. Here's what she had to say!

Rocco and I both made the trip to the Febreze event in NYC but Rocco seemed a little less enthused than Jane and I were about the promise of fresh, clean air! (You know how dogs are; they love their stink!)

Jane Lynch is lovely -- and even lovelier because she loves dogs so much! We're going to really miss her on Glee, and the show too! (I'm the biggest Gleek!)

What was cool about this event is that Jane and Febreze teamed up with the ASPCA to help new pet owners get pet ready. Through the partnership with Febreze, the ASPCA will distribute Noseblind Prevention Kits to pet adopters through participating shelters in ASPCA partner communities nationwide.

The folks from the ASPCA were at the event, too, with a group of adoptable dogs (who didn't smell at all!).

The other news is that these Febreze products -- Febreze Air Effect, Fabric Refresher and Car Vent Clip -- all meet the standard for inclusion on the ASPCA Pet Friendly Living product list when used as directed, so that pet owners can safely get their homes guest-ready.

Wonder how Febreze works? Take a look at this demo.

I also had the chance to ask Jane about Glee and her favorite number of all time. And guess what she said?

Don't Stop Believing! ... that's ours too!

I guess now that Glee is over, we'll need to spend more time cleaning house... and making sure it doesn't stink!

Surprise! At the end of the event we walked outside and look what we found! They made a replica of Rocco into a Febreze car, just for us! We think the Rocco-mobile could use a topknot though. Ha!

Does your house smell? Let us know in the comments below!

Febreze sponsored our trip to NYC. All opinions expressed herein are those of To Dog With Love.


  1. How interesting as never heard of noseblindness but it does make sense. Yikes hope we don't have it. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Haha! We hope you don't have it, too! Happy Thursday!

  2. Love that Febreeze car! What a fun photo op!

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