Sunday, September 23, 2012

Black and White Sunday: The Cosmo Eye

Black and White Sunday

It's our first time participating in the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your Weiner, My Life in Blog Years and Dachshund Nola.

Cosmo looks pretty much the same in Black and White, except his whites are whiter and his blacks are blacker! Next time we'll try something a little different!

Let's see what everyone else is up to in Black and White!


  1. Awww!!! I love the one-eye look. I forgot to check back and see how Cosmo has been doing. I hope better.

  2. That's a great picture. Sneaky little look.

  3. He's perfect! Have a great Black and White Sunday!

  4. Cool photo Cosmo! Hope you are doing well!

  5. At least it doesn't look like he's giving the "stink eye"

    Nubbin wiggles,

  6. Hey Cosmo

    That happens to me too buddy - I'm always having to fight with hair in my eyes!! Love your pic - hope you're doing well

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  7. Hey Cosmo, Jet here.

    Is this Cosmo, Snoopy's neighbor?

    Great shot for your first bw post. Nice to make your acquaintance. :)

    1. No, it's Cosmo Havanese, another (long-distance) partner in mischief! Cosmo Havanese is smaller but just as fluffy!

  8. Hi Cosmo! I this is my first week at the B&W Blog Hop, too - and I'm the only cat! Every says I act like a dog so maybe that's why.

    Hope you're doing good buddy.

    1. ohh, I hadn't realized it was all doggies except for you pal! I'm feeling good today. Ready for me first chemo treatment, paws crossed.
      Your pal,
      Cosmo Havanese

  9. He is such a cutie patootey! Love that photo!

    Dakota from Dakota's Den

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