Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Mischief: Back to the "New" Normal

If it's Monday, it must be time for mischief! Actually, anytime is a good time for mischief, but this weekend Cosmo was especially glad he was "cleared" for mischief making.

After undergoing surgery to remove a lung tumor, Cosmo got his staples out on Friday and he was cleared to commence zooming again.  He spent the weekend running in the backyard...

Pondering squirrels and birds...

And strolling with me!

You can see how much he enjoys strolling, almost as much as zooming!

As far as his surgery and diagnosis goes, we did get test results back last week that confirmed the lung tumor they removed as an adenocarcinoma. Unfortunately, cancer also was identified in the lymph node sent off for biopsy, so we are evaluating treatment options this week.

In the meantime, Cosmo is feeling great and his appetite and nose for treats is as hearty as ever.  Please keep pawsitive thoughts coming for Cosmo. And, if you're lucky enough to be attending BarkWorld Expo this October, we'll plan to see you there!

Now, let's see what kind of mischief the rest of our pals are up to!

Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. Cleared to zoom is good. Yay, Cosmo! As for the treatment options? Well, having just gone through it, I'll just say ... read what you can find, consider Cosmo's daily life, and do what you can reasonably handle in daily life (and budget) for your boy. We have another "chemo" weekend coming up, so we're working hard this week to get ahead.

    1. Great advice and we wish the best for you and Lilly too.
      Diane and Cosmo

  2. we are sending good vibes to you sweetheart
    Benny & Lily

  3. I'm sorry to read this Diane and we will keep our big paws crossed for Cosmo!
    He looks great and cleared for making mischief is good!

    1. Thanks Jen, Cosmo knows how to enjoy life to the fullest. Wheeee!

  4. Glad Cosmo is feeling better & zoomy! He looks so cute in the stroller.
    Hope the treatments go well, good luck!

    1. Thank you! We both LOVE the stroller, good exercise for me too!

  5. Glad to hear that Cosmo is zooming again. And I love the stroller - he looks like he's having a great time!

    1. Thanks pal! Cosmo will walk beside the stroller until he's "done." Then he gets to enjoy the ride!

  6. Wow, Cosmo looks absolutely amazing!! I'm glad that he's been cleared for mischief, obviously very important for us pups! Domeek and I will keep all of you in our thoughts, but I'm sure that he will be a-ok!! Love and Licks! :-D

  7. You're looking great Cosmo! I'm thinking if my mom made it through cancer, you can too! Good luck bruddah!


  8. You're looking great Cosmo! I'm thinking if my mom made it through cancer, you can too! Good luck bruddah!


  9. We are sending pawsitive energy and love your way!

  10. I'm so sorry to read of the "C" word. I'm glad that Cosmo is cleared to zoom! We recently went through cancer with one of our dogs (bone cancer), and, in her case, the chemo treatments had very very few side effects. I didn't believe the vets ahead of time that the side effects would probably be minimal - so I thought that I'd share our experience with you.

    Keep on zooming and enjoying every day together!

    1. Thanks so much for your note. The vets have said the same thing to me and it's also hard for me to believe. But just like in your case, we're going for quality of life, so the vets will be monitoring closely to make sure side effects are minimal.

      Thanks so much for sharing your journey through your posts. It helps to read what someone else has been through and I hope you find comfort in your words someday.

  11. We just heard about Cosmo and thought we'd come over and lend some of our Doxie support! We'll send keeping Cosmo and you in our good thoughts and prayers.

    Run Cosmo run! Zoom to your hearts content.

    Lily Belle & Muffin
