Sunday, November 21, 2010

Join us at Harry Pawter #PawPawty today!

The theme is Harry Pawter -- or Hairy Pawter --  for this month's PawPawty on Twitter and Cosmo is flying high!! So what's new?!

Pawty goes until 2 p.m. ET today... so hurry up and stop by -- use hastag #PawPawty. This month we're raising money for The Last Resort animal rescue in West Milford, NJ. More about PawPawty and how to donate here!

Our playlist was a bit eclectic for this month... a little something for everyone on this list:

And don't forget, from now until Thanksgiving day at Midnight ET, Iams will donate 50 meals to shelter pets for every tweet using the hashtag #CosmoIH4TH! It's all part of Iams Home 4 The Holidays to help shelter pets everywhere! We've already tweeted a gazillion times so let's make it a gazillion more! That's a lot of food for the anipals who need it most!